What kind of support you need in a Malpractice Case?

Get the information you need to get compensation for your malpractice case with The Valente Law Group. 

Medical malpractice refers to professional misconduct made by doctors, nurses, healthcare providers, dentists, therapists, and those working in medical careers. Malpractices can happen in almost any kind of circumstance like surgeries, badly treated injury, misdiagnoses, and many more situations. Any of the situations can be very dangerous for the patient’s health.  

Our attorneys at The Valente Law Group have three decades of experience in malpractices. Therefore, we know how to handle your case and get the compensation you need. To have the best results for your example, we will explain the support you need for your malpractice case. 

Contact our attorneys at The Valente Law Group and get a free consultation for your case.


When Does Malpractice Happen? 

Medical malpractice happens when situations are handled with negligence or errors. Examples of these situations are birth traumas, surgical errors, misdiagnoses, and more. When you contact our lawyers at The Valente Law Group, we will require proof of malpractice so we can start working on your case. 

  • The first step is proving there was a doctor-patient relationship, meaning you hired a doctor, and the doctor agreed on treating you. 
  • The second step is proving the doctor was negligent. This can be proved when you show evidence that you were harmed during treatment in ways that a competent doctor in the same situation would never do it. 
  • The next step is proving the doctors’ negligence was what caused the injury that led to specific damages such as mental anguish, physical pain, lost work, severe or permanent injuries. 

Our lawyers at The Valente Law Group will gladly help you in your case and get the best outcome for your situation. We will get the compensation you and your loved ones need. 

Contact us and get a FREE consultation for your medical malpractice.